Thursday, December 13

Spectrum Badminton Club is Fridays at 7:20 AM New Gym. The Badminton Club is open to all students regardless of skill level. Racquets and Birdies are provided. Please see Mr. Berry in room 200 if you have any questions.

This is a reminder to all First Nations grade 12 students that we will be taking a group photo for the First Nations calendar this Friday, December 14th at the beginning of B block. It should only take about 15 minutes. Please come to room 300 at the beginning of block B on Friday. If you are running late, come down to the raven pole at the front doors by 10:00 as we will be doing a picture there. See Emma or Paul in room 300 this week if you have any questions.

The YCI & GSA meet every Thursday at lunch in room 161. Everyone is welcome, just knock on the door.

Grads: Tomorrow is the last day that you are able to choose your table seating for Winter Formal. Please see Amanda in the office.

If you love board games, come to room 302 today and join in the fun. Everyone is welcome!

Today’s Golden Ticket Riddle is: “‘Making decisions in the modern age can be hard. Try using a moral compass to help you make decisions”. If you find one golden ticket you can claim on of 5 lunches for two. Or you can try to win the remaining grand prize. Tickets can be dropped off in the office after you complete them.