
Do you need help with your school work? There are math tutors available every lunch in room 316 and there is drop-in help for all subjects during collab in room 316.


Is a Career in Nursing right for you? Come to Camosun’s information session today at lunch in room 25.


Are you considering a Gap Year? Latitude Global is holding an information session on Wed, February 12, at Camosun College. See Samantha in the Career Center for registration information.


All grade 10’s, please check in to your Collab room tomorrow and then come to the theatre for a CLC assembly.


There will be yoga after school. Open to both staff and students.


Wrestling practice after school. Please meet in the portable.


Candygrams and roses for sale in the foyer Tuesdays and Thursdays. Grab your sweetie something sweet. All proceeds go to support Australian Wildfires.


Next Thursday, the amazing Camosun Cuisine Machine will return. Stay tuned for their menu.