Code of Conduct



Spectrum is committed to promoting a climate of understanding and mutual respect in a rigorous learning community where all are equal in dignity and rights, and free from all forms of discrimination. This code is closely aligned with the BC Human Rights Code and because of this, Spectrum students demonstrate social responsibility.  They contribute to the classroom and school community; solve problems in peaceful ways; value diversity; and exercise democratic rights and responsibilities.

Student conduct and discipline actions shall be in accordance with The Local Education Agreement with Songhees Nation and The Greater Victoria Board of Education (Section 11.0) and the Local Education Agreement with Esquimalt Nation and The Greater Victoria Board of Education (Section 12.0).


  • Respect and adhere to start times (punctuality) and attendance (every class every day)
  • Respect the rights and property of all Spectrum staff and students
  • Respect that all school and school-related events are free of restricted substances (drugs, alcohol, and tobacco)
  • Respect that all school and school-related events are free of weapons
  • Respect appropriate use of school computers, student computer accounts, and Internet access
  • Respect the classroom environment by ensuring all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off and not in use during instructional time unless otherwise instructed by the classroom teacher
  • Respectful behaviour and actions that are mindful of the health and safety of self and the school community


  • Behaviours that interfere with the learning of others
  • Behaviours that interfere with an orderly environment
  • Behaviours that create unsafe conditions in the classroom, to or from school, or on the Internet (i.e. social media)
  • Acts of cheating of any sort which include assisting someone else to cheat
  • Acts of plagiarism
    • handing in another student’s work as one’s own
    • copying and/or allowing someone to copy work for evaluation
    • handing in material downloaded from the Internet
    • making any changes to another person’s writing and handing it in as one’s own
  • Acts of verbal or cyber-hate messaging/cyber-hate websites
  • Acts of retribution against a person(s) who has reported an incident(s)
  • Possession, use, or distribution of illegal or restricted substances and paraphernalia on school property, or at a school activity.
  • Possession or, transfer of, and/or use of vapour products on school property or at a school activity.
  • Possession or use of weapons, including any object meant to simulate the appearance of a weapon (i.e. knife or anything than can be used as a threat or cause harm to a student or staff member)
  • Possession or use of firecrackers, fireworks, or items used to simulate fireworks
  • Possession and display of racially, sexually, drug, and/or alcohol-related logos or slogans on any item
  • Illegal acts such as theft or damage to property

As discrimination of any kind is also unacceptable, Spectrum will take reasonable steps to prevent discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, physical and mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or age.  Furthermore, the school will also try to take all possible steps to prevent retaliation to those students who may inform school staff about breaches in the code of conduct.

Spectrum is a drug-free zone

Any students involved with drugs and/or alcohol may be suspended.

They also will be interviewed by the Saanich Police to determine if charges will be laid.       


 Spectrum Community School’s departments, classes, and clubs offer a variety of field trip opportunities locally, within BC, and internationally. For all field trips, Spectrum’s Code of Conduct must be followed at all times. Students wishing to participate on a field trip must be a ‘student in good standing’ prior to the trip. ‘Good standing’ includes, but is not limited to, positive relationships with staff and students, satisfactory (or better) report card marks and work habits, and no administrative concerns on file. The final decision will be made by the principal.


 Should unacceptable conduct occur at school or on a field trip, appropriate action will be taken in consultation with the school’s administration and parents/guardians depending upon the nature and the seriousness of the circumstance(s).

When dealing with students, the administrator may adjust the consequence or disciplinary action based partially on the maturity level of the student, grade level of the student, and the ability of the student to understand expectations/or control his/her behaviour.

Students not abiding by Spectrum’s Code of Conduct may face the following consequences:

  • Parents informed
    Performance of school or community service and/or restitution
  • Restorative Justice Processes
  • Detention(s)/Opportunity Room
  • Suspension(s) of specific privileges/activities
  • In-school suspension(s)
  • Suspension(s) from school for a period of one to five school days (school district officials notified)
  • Suspension(s) from school for a period greater than five days with a referral to Diversion
  • Suspension from school for a period greater than five days with referral to the Principals’ Review Committee (PRC)
  • Withdrawal from school


Be READY to learn by

  • arriving to every class on time
  • attending class every day
  • coming prepared
  • following the directions of the adults

 For further information, please refer to Policy and Regulation 4303, which can be found on the Greater Victoria School District website at